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One of the first questions that people often have when they come to our site is: “Why would an author give away their books for free?” The answer is promotion, promotion, promotion! One of the greatest vehicles an author on Amazon (and many other online sites) has for promoting their work is reader reviews. Many people won’t buy a book, no matter how enticing the plot or synopsis might appear, if they don’t see at least a few good reviews for it first. This is particularly true if the artist or title is fairly unknown. So authors (and their publishers) often reduce the price of a listing (sometimes as low as $0.00) for a limited period of time as a way of allowing a certain number of people to obtain the book for a very low cost in the hope that the purchasers will read it, love it and leave a glowing review – or at the very least, a constructively criticizing review that the author can learn from.
Another question visitors to our site often have is: “Aren’t the books people give away for free all low quality, self-published, worthless drivel?” Nothing could be further from the truth! The quality of free and discounted books varies that same as that of full-priced books. Some are fantastic, some are awful. The trick is the find the ones that are worthy of your time.
Here at FreeBooksAndMore.com, we carefully choose the books we present to you. All our choices have at least 10 reviews on Amazon, and at least a 3.5-star rating (the exception is the “Today’s Amazon Top 10 Bestsellers” list, which is simply the top 10 best selling ebooks on Amazon that day, regardless of reviews or ratings).
FreeBooksAndMore.com is absolutely free to join. Anyone can sign up as a subscriber and receive our daily email of new book listings. All we ask – and this is VERY important – is that you try to leave reviews for the books you get through us. Whether you loved a book or hated it, it’s helpful for both the author AND potential future readers to know that. Leaving a review shows respect for the author and the artistic creation that they have shared with you (even if you thought it was absolutely dreadful and worthy of only 1 star!). It also helps other book lovers that are looking for something good to read (or bad to avoid!). So please be courteous and try to leave your personal review whenever possible after you read a book you discovered through our site.
Also, if you have any feedback for us – things you love or hate about the site, books you’d particularly like to tell us about, suggestions of different types of books you’d like to see, etc. – please don’t hesitate to contact us directly at info@freebooksandmore.com.